Tuesday, September 13, 2016

1st week of school musings

I step into this journey of obtaining a degree in Business Management with a different goal than many of my peers. I'm not planning to run a huge business, create a few startups, or become a manager of a franchise. I don't really plan on making large amounts of money. My first goal is to simply earn a degree. My other goals have more to do with simply improving my mind, learning new skills, becoming a better wife and mother, and learning some things that will help me manage and grow my small business.

In this, my first week of study, a few quotes from the readings stood out to me and spoke to my soul. Elder David A. Bednar said, "As we live the law of consecration, we are willing not only to offer anything and everything we possess for the sake of the gospel, but we also promise to develop and devote our best selves--our time, talents, and strength--to the building of the kingdom of God on the earth. Consecration includes and encompasses sacrifice and much more. We are not only willing to offer up our possessions, but we will become the best we can be and assist however possible in building the kingdom in righteous ways."

The other advice that stood out came from Guy Kawasaki. He teaches that you should "do what you love and the money will follow." I've definitely found this to be true. I began my little shop with some handmade items that I simply enjoy making. It's gradually grown, and I've added more products, but they are all things that I enjoy creating. I love having my craft time every day, and I love even more that I am able to contribute monetarily to my household while doing something that brings me so much joy. I know that my greatest calling in life at this time is being a mother and homemaker. I have a large role in raising righteous daughters, and I know that I am setting a wonderful example for them by pursuing my education. I know that the knowledge and experience that I will gain through this journey will help me to be a better and more well-rounded person, which will help me to serve my family and serve the Lord in better ways.

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