Friday, March 29, 2019

W12 Reflection: Social Media for SEO & Social Networking

While the focus this week was all about social media and search engine optimization, what I learned about the most this week is balance. My kids are on spring break from school this week, so I had to manage my time a little more carefully so that I could accomplish all of my school work, but still spend quality time with them. I'm afraid I didn't do as well at it as I could have and tended to get frustrated with them, especially when they would start to argue and complain. I have another opportunity next week to do a little better, though. I need to remember that even though I'm working toward earning my degree while managing my own business, my main job is being a mother, and that means making time to make memories with my kids. I only have them at home for a few short years, and I need to make the most of that time. It won't hurt if I put a pause on my school work to play a game with them or take them to the park. I need to work on saying "Yes" more rather than always putting it off until later.

Friday, March 22, 2019

W11 Reflection: Landing Page Optimization & Basic SEO

One of the most important things I discovered this week was that I hadn't properly set up my Google Tag Manager. I didn't realize that you had to hit the publish button to make all your tracking tags go live, so I hadn't actually been tracking my conversion data. I got that figured out and things are finally working properly there. It was so interesting to learn about search engine optimization and how to make your website do better in searches. I need to work on getting all my pictures set up with alternate text and descriptions that include the most important keywords. That way, when people pin or share my images, the keywords will be included and will eventually lead people back to my site. I also finally had my first two email subscribers today, so that was kind of exciting. I am planning to get a couple more posts published in the next few days, so hopefully the variety of content will help to attract more visitors to my site.

Friday, March 15, 2019

W10 Reflection: ROI & Optimizing Ad Performance

This was an exciting week because I finally launched my Google Ads campaign and started getting some actual clicks from the ads I've created. While I do think this is a valuable learning experience, I think that launching a campaign a few months from now may be a better business move simply because I have such limited content available on my blog website. I need to create more content so that people can come to my site and stay awhile to browse. Right now there just isn't much content for browsing, so people may feel let down by what they see. I do think that the content I've already created has great value, and if people are specifically looking for a knitted hat pattern, or a tutorial to create a Disney autograph book, then they will be happy with what they find. I have so many great ideas for things to add, and I just need more time to be able to create the posts and set everything up. It's all coming along nicely and I think this could become a decent business, in time.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

W09 Reflection: Relevance & Quality Score

This week, as I learned about Google Analytics, I realized what a great resource it will be for my website. Learning more about the people who visit my site, which pages they navigate to, and how long they stay, will help me to improve my content offerings, tailor my posts to fit more with the needs of my target demographic, and make my business better. I am excited about the capability to track file downloads, subscriptions, and clicks on affiliate links, because those are the metrics that will show whether my target market are actually interested in what I am sharing. I realize that it may take some time to build a following, and it will probably be best to let it grow naturally and as I have more content available for browsing. Integrating analytics and google ads into my site was surprisingly easy, and I hope that using them successfully will be just as easy.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

W08 Reflection: Ads

I am so excited to be learning more about Google Ads and how to create successful ad campaigns. It seems like it will be a useful skill for building a business and getting a little more exposure and website visitors. I anticipate that one of the major challenges will be understanding my target market enough that I can anticipate what keywords and search phrases they will be most likely to use when searching for the kind of content that I offer. It might be helpful to talk to people who fit my target market and ask them what kinds of words they would use to try to find the content on my blog, and then I could use their answers as keywords in my ad. I also think that it will be something that I tweak as I learn more and figure out what is successful and what isn't. I am interested to figure out more about the negative keywords, as well, since those could also help filter out the people who may not be looking for exactly what I offer.